Activities for Children on Sundays
There are creche facilities during the service.
Sparklers is our Sunday children's group for children ages 3 to 11. We have lots of fun learning about Jesus and the Bible. The children enjoy lively songs with actions. We also have circle time and often have prayer times together. We read Bible stories together which the children enjoy acting out, and they love dressing up. We have colouring sheets based on our story for the week and usually have a craft activity. The children are keen and enthusiastic and so are the adults!
We enjoy games, discussion, craft and drama. The children have a chance to have fun with their friends in an informal atmosphere.
Midweek Activities for Children
Wednesday Whizz Kids
Wednesday Whiz Kids is a parent/carer and toddler group which runs in term time on a Wednesday morning from 9.30 am until 11am. It is a thriving group with about 20 or so adults and 25 to 30 children . The children range from young babies to 3 and 4 year olds. The children like to jump around on the soft play equipment, ride around on bikes, play in the Wendy house or ride on the rocking horse. They also enjoy dressing up and pretending to be firemen, policemen, builders or princesses. Others enjoy doing puzzles or colouring. Whilst all these activities are going on the parents and carers are enjoying chatting over tea and biscuits, whilst keeping a close eye on their children. There is a warm friendly atmosphere where friendships are being formed between the adults as they swap stories of the highs and lows of family life and support each other. Special activities include our Christmas event: singing Christmas carols, acting out the Christmas story and there's even a visit from Santa. Other special events in the year include a mums pancake race, special crafts for Mother's Day and our Easter bonnet parade and egg hunt.
Explorers is a club for 6 to 11 year olds. It provides an excellent opportunity for children to spend time having fun and games, do craft activities and have a lively look at Bible topics. Runs on Thursdays during term time from 6.30-7.45.
Holiday Bible Club
During the school summer holidays we run a Holiday Bible Club for children from 6-11 years old. The children enjoy games, craft, songs and learning from the Bible through drama sketches and group time. We end the club with a picnic lunch for the children and their families on the following Sunday morning there is a family service where parents can see first hand what their children have been getting up to.